Sunday, October 3, 2010

Touring East Maryland, October 3, 2010

The day started overcast and quite breezy, but spots of blue had us hoping for continuing sunshine. We had a bit of a sleep in and then around 10:30, Patricia, along with her brother Bill and his lady "Mike" we went for a days tour of parts of east Maryland. This was a treat for Dale to be able to sit back and enjoy being chaffeurred (sp)..not to mention the rest of us, while Bill drove!

We went over the Bay Bridge and WOW is it big. Not as long as Confederation Bridge on PEI (13 km) but is 3-4 miles long and crosses over Chesapeake Bay. The views as you cross are amazing and the huge ships and multitudes of pleasure craft that take advantage of these waters are too numerous to count.

We continued to drive for some time throughout the countryside, heading for St. Michaels and then to Tilghman Island. Beautiful and charming towns; we gals could easily have spent the day strolling through all the little stores and taking in all the sights. We did stop and tour a bit of the waterfront but as the wind was picking up it was quite cold to be near the water so chose the comfort of the car to tour instead. At Tilghman Island, we went to Harrison's Chesapeake House for a late lunch.

Harrison's Chesapeake House is also a marina so lots of activity on the water in spite of the weather. We could have ordered off the menu but they had a buffet, so needless to say you know what our choice was. They offered: Stewed Sweet Tomtoes (delicious and quite different) steamed broccoli, mac 'n cheese; fried chicken, two kinds of shrimp, oysters, calamari, crab cakes, white fish and chesapeake Blue Crabs. Not bad choices, eh!

Patricia and I managed one plate, containing a taste of everything except the crab. It may sound odd but we were "not in the mood" to fiddle with the crab! So enjoyed watching the others while we munched on watermelon! Bill managed quite a few before he had had his fill but Dale and Mike were able to continue on and devour many many many many more!!! At the end of our lunch, the waiters brought out a large piece of chocolate cake with a candle on was Mike's birthday as well, so we all sang happy birthday and shared the cake! It was a great lunch and have lots of pictures to remember it by....

We had spent so much time over lunch, it was not getting on to 3:00 p.m., so time to start our drive back to Pasadena. The drive back was just as enjoyable with the exception that the rains started again and it had become quite cool. However, we made good time and were back home by around 5:00 p.m. We continued our visit in the bus before everyone needed to disperse to put their feet up for awhile.

Before we had left in the morning, Dale moved the bus from the side of the yard to the front gravelled and packed driveway. With rain forecast (and now a reality) we were concerned that we would not be able to move the bus out should the ground become softened from the water table rising.

How you can be tired from being driven around and royally fed is a mystery but we are both pooped! Not sure what adventures we'll have tomorrow...will be surpise, so till then, take care.

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